Manga International GK accepts unsolicited manga submissions.
Due to the high volume of manga submissions we receive, you will ONLY be contacted in the event where we wish to proceed with the submission. We will only review manga “one-shots” in either storyboard or final draft formats. Written-only proposals will not be reviewed. To submit a proposal to Manga International GK, the following items MUST be included:
LOG LINEA short and concise description of your manga concept in one or two sentences in the body of your email. We should be able to determine who the protagonist is, the goal of the protagonist, along with the protagonist's motivation for reaching that goal, followed by the consequences of failure, e.g.: A family is attacked by demons and only two members survive - A brother and his infected sister, who is slowly turning into a demon. The brother sets out to become a demon slayer to avenge his family and cure his sister.
CHARACTER DESIGNSDesigns of all key characters fully completed to final draft stage (fully inked and finished).
THE MANGA ONE-SHOTThe manga should be submitted in either “pencilled” format or final draft (fully inked and finished) and not exceeding 60 pages.
Email all requested items of your submission as attachments to:
[email protected]
Please ensure to include the words MANGA SUBMISSION in the
subject line of your email, along with the manga title.